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We provide accredited tests for poultry hatcheries, from routine environmental salmonella testing to specific chick and egg testing required for export. We provide the sampling kits required for the specific tests and can provide pre-paid envelopes to return the samples to the laboratory or we can arrange collection by couriers.
We work in association with Poultry Health Services veterinarians and a team of hatchery specialist consultants, which perform hygiene audits in hatcheries and provide advice regarding biosecurity and hygiene on a regular basis. The laboratory offers an egg-breakout analysis service and environmental sampling service through the associated veterinary team. We perform routine personnel testing for salmonella for several hatcheries in the UK. This is also normally required for veterinarians or personnel travelling to hatcheries abroad.
If you are thinking about exporting from your hatchery, we can provide advice on Poultry Health Scheme testing requirements and supply the materials required for the sampling. We can also perform PCR, blood and bacteriology testing in day old chicks as a routine testing or for problem investigation.